Scaffolded Programming
Scaffolded Programming is the intentional, carefully designed progression of early childhood preschool class offerings from ages 1-5. Scaffolded Programming gradually builds emotional and physical stamina for extended learning in Fives/Transitional Kindergarten and beyond, through an individually tailored plan for each child.
The progression is natural and developmentally appropriate, designed to optimize Kindergarten readiness while celebrating learning through play and honoring the magic of early childhood. The GFNS scaffolded progression method allows each child the gift of time to learn and develop at their own pace and gives parents the tools to customize class choices each year to optimize self-confidence, resilience, and growth. When children complete the GFNS early childhood progression they are fully prepared for Kindergarten and beyond, imbedded with a love of learning and a sense of self and belonging that roots them solidly for years to come.
Learn more about each step of learning at GFNS using the navigation menu to the left.